Infrastructures,  Mobility and Urban Tech

With the convergence of infrastructure, transport, energy and data sectors, organizations face new disruptive models and ecosystems. Although it is very local, innovative infrastructures and reliable mobility businesses offer many growth opportunities to foreign companies and investors.

Canada public private partnership model (PPP) is one of the most active worldwide for developing and financing sustainable infrastructures.

On large scale infrastructure projects where private sector innovation is sought and the amount of private investment is significantly greater, the private sector takes a robust role in the delivery of these assets providing both equity and long-term lending to these infrastructure transactions. The private sector also designs, constructs, performs routine and periodic maintenance and assumes the lifecycle maintenance of the assets over the contract term (20 to 30 years), typically through a design-build-finance-operate-maintain (DBFOM) contract.

With significant funds at risk, lenders and equity investors provide a level of rigor and due diligence to assess project risks and impacts and have a vested interest in long-term project performance. In return, lenders and equity investors find these projects attractive as they offer a long-term stable investment providing steady risk-adjusted returns.

This successful Canadian model is spreading to the US, UK, Australia, South America and present numerous opportunities for innovative companies across the value chain; engineering and design, construction, technology, energy generation, equipment, operations and maintenance and financing.

Winning resilient infra projects will be a critical step for  foreign companies. We help them in qualification process (RFQs), we support their commercial teams with consortium partnerships, bid submissions (RFPs), risks and impact management, local directorships and representation, pricing and project financing.

Clients turn to Infranext Capital to win  Infra and Mobility projects, mitigate risks and manage Impacts on people and the natural environment .

Areas of expertise

  • Mobility
  • Waste and Water
  • Health, Education and social
  • Power and Distribution
  • Urban Tech
  • Facility management
  •  Impact management and Climate strategy